Knowledge Platform

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is good for business, let us show you how! Being a socially responsible business can often involve higher material and labour costs. But there is a strong business case to be made for being a good corporate citizen. For example, in a competitive labour market, employees are drawn to companies that have a good track record for responsible behaviour, such as environmental protection. By being a good role model, your business will attract people who have skills such as innovativeness, leadership and the ability to work in teams. And by treating employees responsibly, costly employee turnover is minimized.

It is also good for a business to stand out from the crowd—for the right reasons of course. Being a good corporate citizen can help a company differentiate itself. To empower you on your path to being a good corporate citizen, we have developed a range of resources, tools, learning materials and online collaborations.

For example, our CSR FRAMEWORK considers the benefits and challenges of implementing CSR in SMEs, the drivers of CSR in SMEs and obstacles to their CSR implementation. Take our CSR-READY SCORECARD + ACTION TOOLKIT, this innovative resource will help you determine your CSR-Readiness, as well as recommending priority actions to implement CSR in your business.

Our Online Training Course will build your knowledge and skills while our case studies will inspire you with the innovative work of other small businesses in this area. Join specialist social media groups, learn from experts in our virtual talks and collaborate with others.

If you are a Business Advisor or Trainer, please download out VET Training Package.

All of our resources below are free and available in multiple languages. There is no “set” order to use the resources, but we recommend you to join our Forum  connect with us on Linkedin so that we can better support you and then our CSR Ready Scorecard will provide guidance on which resources will best suit your needs.

CSR Ready Scorecard

Case Studies

Online Course

Special Interest Groups

Virtual Talks

Knowledge Exchange Workshops


CSR Framework


VET Training Package